Acne Liquid
ACNE LIQUIDESSENCE EXCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY OFHYPERTONIC MOLECULARHigh Permeability MolecularOriginal Technology100% Natural ingredientsSteroid and Chemicals FreeSafe and Reliable Health Features• This product is suitable for people concern about Acne• R..
BB Skin Health Liquid
BB SKIN HEALTH LIQUIDESSENCE EXCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY OFHYPERTONIC MOLECULARpH value compatible with natural tender skin High Permeability MolecularOriginal Technology100% Natural ingredientsSteroid and Chemicals FreeSafe and Reliable Health Features• Th..
Skin Health Liquid
SKIN HEALTH LIQUIDESSENCE EXCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY OFHYPERTONIC MOLECULARHigh Permeability MolecularOriginal Technology100% Natural ingredientsSteroid and Chemicals FreeSafe and Reliable Health FeaturesThis product is suitable for people with following c..
Skin Relieving Liquid
SKIN RELIEVING LIQUIDESSENCE EXCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY OFHYPERTONIC MOLECULARHigh Permeability MolecularOriginal Technology100% Natural ingredientsSteroid and Chemicals FreeSafe and Reliable Health Features• This product is suitable for people with ..
Vitiligo Liquid
VITILIGO LIQUIDESSENCE EXCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY OFHYPERTONIC MOLECULARHigh Permeability MolecularOriginal Technology100% Natural ingredientsSteroid and Chemicals FreeSafe and Reliable Health Features• This product is suitable for people with vitiligo..
皇室御用皮癬寧Royal Use皮癬寧SKIN RELIEVING LIQUID外用精華液EXTERNAL ESSENCE止痕 + 排毒強力止痕適合關注各類皮癬等人士使用清熱解毒,止痕止癢滋養保護皮膚,修復再生皇室御用:皮癬寧是專為尊貴的皇室成員及貴族人士專科研究,並採用最優良的草本原料,經大量臨床研究的純天然配方,安全有效配合現代高端科學提取技術,精心製造而成,經AKK高滲透分子核心獨家技術及冷凍特殊工藝,將藥液份子滲入皮膚。滋養保護幼嫩皮膚、抗菌、消炎、止敏,止痕、排毒,..